Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Hosting your website in Yorkshire

Simulant Yorkshire website design are now offering a range of services on top of our current website design packages. We can also host your websites and email accounts from just £8 per month, which includes the domain renewal for .co.uk addresses.
If you're looking for SEO, design tweaks and someone to help keep an eye on your site and give technical support we can help with this also.
With a range of prices for all website design and business needs in York and the Yorkshire region, why not try our service? We are based within York City Walls so are always at hand for IT assistance and website support.
We'll do all the hard work for you - taking the website from your previous company or web designer without you having to understand any of the jargon.
If you're looking for a brand new website design, redesign or improvements to your existing website, or hosting with SEO and support contact Simulant hosting Yorkshire Website Design for a quote at www.yorkshire.hosting. We're always happy to help.

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